Our job isn’t just to move your things. It’s to help move your business forward. In ways you couldn’t expect. Here’s how we tripled one customer’s effectiveness, whilst reducing their costs by 74%

Traditional relocation companies exist to move items and effects. They think their work is complete when your move is complete.

We don’t.

Instead, we exist to drive your business forward.

Which means that, once your move is complete, our work isn’t. We continue to support you in ways you wouldn’t expect. Like we did with this major insurance company...

We’d finished their move. But we hadn’t finished with them!

We’d been working with them for six months, so had come to understand what worked well, what didn’t, and their financial frustrations with moves and changes.

Without any prompting from the customer, our team proactively created a better moving process for them. A process that would deliver a step change into how they did things.

The customer loved it. They asked us to implement it immediately. So we then built the foundations and processes to make it work. And the results have been amazing:

  • Reduced costs by 74%
  • Accelerated their property portfolio plan, increasing move numbers by 300% per year

So, a great success! We changed the way our customer looked at the moving process. They’d previously seen it as reactive. They now know we’re a proactive supply partner, who can work with them to deliver successes they didn’t know were an option.

As you’d expect, this has helped cement a fantastic working relationship with them - leading to five years of trust, continual improvement, more moves and lower costs.


Massive Relocation and Clearance Surprising CAD work and space planning Large Move. Quick Turnaround Building Clearance (with no notice!)

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