Newcastle College is a state-of-the-art education facility in Newcastle city centre offering college courses, further education pathways, and apprenticeships. The college aims to develop the skills and talents of students to succeed in modern enterprises and make a positive contribution to the prosperity of the region.

Business Moves Group worked closely with the college and its ISS contract manager partner to create the most sustainable and commercially viable solution for the clearance of redundant furniture and equipment within the old Van Hee building.

We were able to find solutions to clear every single item from the building that was not commercially beneficial, saving the client an incredible 70 per cent of the forecasted costs to deliver the project.

Online auction

One method used to help shift the unwanted furniture and equipment was through the use of online auction sites that BMG has unique access to. One of the main reasons we were able to offer the client such a high level of guaranteed rebate for redundant items was because of the strong business relationship we have developed over time with the auction service provider.

A detailed marketing campaign was put together for all the redundant equipment including catering equipment, gym equipment, fridges and display units, laboratory items, and canteen furniture. The result was extremely successful, with BMG selling 210 items on behalf of the college.

The auction meant the items were given a new lease of life, benefitting the smaller, local businesses that procured them, and it also reduced the carbon footprint of the college as none were put into waste systems. The result of avoiding recycling these items saved Newcastle College approximately £10,500 in recycling charges.

Charity donations

The second part of BMG’s three-tier approach to the redistribution and recycling of unwanted items is through donations to charity partners. Following the success of the auction, the remaining items were advertised to charities and social enterprises that we have built good relationships with throughout the North of England.

Ninety items were donated to various charity partners, keeping costs low and carbon emissions to a minimum for ISS and Newcastle College, while also contributing to their social value commitments.

Remaining furniture

The final part of the three-tier approach was to clear all remaining items from the building that could not be distributed to charities. All the remaining pieces of furniture and equipment were transported to BMG’s recycling partner where they were subsequently broken down into their component form and then categorised into recycling or energy recovery options. 

This resulted in 98 per cent of the remaining items being diverted from landfill.

As part of this service, we provided the client with a detailed audit report. This breaks down the specifics of all 35 tonnes of equipment that was moved from the Van Hee building including their social and environmental impact and cost.


BMG’s work with ISS and Newcastle College saw a successful redistribution and recycling project for the organisations, creating the best environmental solutions with strong commercial benefits. As a result of BMG being able to deliver all works in-house, the project was delivered within the allocated time frames and forecasted costs.

Lisa McGhie, ISS contract manager, said: “I am not only delighted with the commercial and sustainable solution that BMG delivered on the clearance of the building but am very impressed with the high levels of management and services provided throughout all elements of the works.”

Dave Stewart, Newcastle College, said: “BMG’s expertise and their ability to complete the work to the highest standard and saving us a large amount of money set aside for the project through sustainable efforts was excellent. Their commitment to delivering service excellence and working for a better future is what made BMG the best partner.”

To find out how BMG can help with your education relocations, then get in touch


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