As the millennial generation begins to start dominating the workforce, and the first influxes of generation Z are entering too, practicing business that has purpose and meaning is extremely important for attracting and retaining talent.

With 70% of millennials claiming they would stay with a company that had a robust sustainability plan, and 40% claiming they chose to work for a businesses because of their sustainability plans, it is clear that the employees of the future are looking for more than just a pay check when it comes to work.

The rise in ESG

Anyone can set up an ESG strategy but doing so with passion and ambition is what will set you apart from others. 

We spoke with Stuart Thorley, the regional head of sales at BMG, for his take on the rise in ESG.

Stuart Thorley headshot

“ESG is going to bring a great competitive advantage for businesses. The younger generations that are entering the workforce have a greater understanding of ESG than any previous generation as they have grown up with it. So, they will be looking to work for companies that prioritise those principles in their work.”

Additionally, a study by MarshMcLennan found that the employers who have high employee satisfaction and are attractive work destinations for university graduates tend to have lower carbon emissions, more diversity, and make a greater effort to understand employee feelings.

Shared interests

If your employees are passionate about the same ESG principles as your businesses, they will feel a sense of camaraderie and shared interest, and therefore be more compatible with your business. These shared feelings and ideas will help to increase the productivity of employees.

If you have a passion for your businesses ESG strategy, then so will your employees. It is this passion and enthusiasm to make things better, maybe for the industry you are in or the community in which you serve, that gives employees something to connect with. Giving your team a purpose that is bigger than the role they work in, or even the work the company does overall, will help increase their own individual motivations, and the organisations success. Stuart commented:

“Passion is essential for a business to have a successful ESG policy. There needs to be an understanding of the consequences down the line if action is not taken. ESG principles can’t be viewed as simply a tick box for businesses to complete to stay up to date with current trends. There needs to be more lateral thinking, and to be viewed as an investment into healthier lives for all human beings in years to come.”

At Business Moves Group, we believe that protecting the environment should always be a number one priority, which is why we offer excellent furniture management services, with different ways to deal with your office furniture if you decide you don’t need it anymore. We can refurbish furniture items, so they could be reused at the office, or be sold to other businesses looking for second hand furniture.

Stuart added:

“We have various charity partners of which we can donate unwanted pieces to, including educational facilities and healthcare sites. If these options don’t work out, then we also work with great recycling partners, who help us to track all the details of each item, ensuring that nothing goes to landfill. Since we have started work, we have managed to divert 96.7% of materials from landfill, and we hope to make this 100% soon.”

The potential ESG can offer both your business and the world around you are monumental but having the drive and passion to action this is essential for ESG success.

If you'd like to discuss how you can integrate ESG principles into your office, contact us


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