By Andy Crawford, director for northern England and Scotland at Business Moves GroupA profile picture of Andy Crawford of Business Moves Group

Office relocation can be a disruptive process especially on moving day. However, there are many benefits that can come from moving office, both for your employees and your business. By enlisting the help of a professional office relocation company, you can let them get on with the moving process while you focus on the new space and the benefits it will bring to your business.

Here are 5 reasons why office relocation can improve business.

1. Growing your company

The literal aspect of growing your company will require you to move. If you are bringing in new hires and expanding teams, your business will need more space to fit everyone. Similarly, if you are looking to start growing your business further, then starting with a bigger space will help make the transition much easier.

Additionally, an office relocation can aid growth by moving somewhere that better suits your business’ needs. For example, you could move office to be closer to certain business sites or move closer to clients to further aid them.

2. Improve branding and culture

Your office is not just a workplace where people sit and complete work; it’s the home of your branding and culture. An office’s design and location contributes to your brand identity, so ensuring both elements are aligned is essential. Your workspace should evolve and change as your business does, especially if a major rebrand is taking place.

If your business has undergone a rebrand, finding a new office space can be the final puzzle piece to fulfil your rebrand. Whilst this may not be a client-facing aspect of a rebrand, it can aid your businesses success by including employees with the new brand. This will help them to feel more aligned with the businesses aims.

3. Relocating can be cost-effective

An office relocation is a great opportunity to evaluate your financial outgoings and make cost savings in different areas, for example office equipment, or your facilities services. At Business Moves Group, we can conduct a full furniture audit for your business, so it is easier to make decisions about what equipment is going to the new office and what pieces are being replaced. This way, less money can be spent on new furniture where necessary, and we can resell your unwanted workplace furniture on your behalf to further save your business money.

Relocating your office also gives an opportunity to make space-related savings too. For example, if you are downsizing after covid, you’d need a smaller office. On the other hand, your business could choose to move into a shared space rather than renting a whole building. This can save the business money as you can split costs of facilities services like reception staff, or cleaning with other businesses in the building.

4. Improving health and safety

During the pandemic, the world became more aware of how easy it is to pass on germs and illnesses, especially in tight working spaces like the office. As we return to the office, it is important to recognise that some employees will still have anxieties about being sat closely to other team members. Therefore, moving your office to a better space can help the health and wellbeing of team members. Choosing a new space that is bigger, or has better ventilation will help to lessen those anxieties, and reducing the risk of employees getting unwell and have business downtime. The ONS reported that 149.3 million working days were lost in 2021 due to sickness or injury, so it’s well worth considering the suitability of your workplace.

5. Reinvigorate your company

It is easy for employees to feel stuck or uninspired, especially when they have been operating out of the same space for a long time. Investing in and moving to a new office could reinvigorate current employees, and attract new ones too. A new environment for your company that has been specifically designed to better fit the requirements of the business and the people who work for it has the potential for an increase in business productivity.

Undertaking an office relocation can serve numerous different business needs. We can help your business to undertake an office relocation with ease. Read about our previous work with one of the UK’s biggest companies, or contact us for more information.


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